2008/7/26 Andrew Bruno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> FWIW, I've found tweaking these specific settings in
> /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state effect the intensity of the
> buzzing sound. Specifically:
>  * 'Mono Playback Volume'   (85)
>  * 'Mono Sidetone Playback Volume'  (7)
>  * 'Mic2 Capture Volume'     (3)
>  * 'Speaker Playback Volume'  (112)
>  * 'Bypass Playback Volume'    (7)

Thanks! With these tweaks to my current settings, I've successfully
for the first time received a confirmation that the receiver of my
call didn't hear an echo of her own voice.

However, I did tweak "Mono Sidetone Playback Volume" from 7 to 4,
since in my own testings with two phones I heard quite a lot of buzz
still. That lessened it, and the receiver seemed to hear my well
enough anyway.

My paranoid / not-knowing-what-I-do procedure is to:
1. change /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state
2. alsactl -f /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state restore
3. alsactl -f /etc/asound.state store
4. reboot

I now added a link to your post at
since this is the first time I really achieved some good results.


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