I'm using a neo freerunner and I am having a rather difficult time
figuring out how to flash 2008.08 image that I was take to from the
openmoko.com download link. From reading the wiki I've figured out
that I need a kernel image and a rootfs image. Then I am supposed to
boot into NOR flash mode and run the following two commands:

dfu-util -a kernel -R -D /path/to/uImage
dfu-util -a rootfs -R -D rootfs_filename.jffs2

The problem is I can't figure out which of roughly 50 files from the
this list I should download.


I tried several combinations of files that ended in jffs2 for the
rootfs file and files that had "gta02" and ended in .bin for the
kernel image. Mostly the result I get is the openmoko splash screen
when the device starts staying on the screen forever. I once got the
machine to boot into a running distro but the machine was incredibly
unreliable. Clicking on an icon gave a totally black screen, there
were no buttons at the bottom of the app but it looked like there
should be. Pressing the power button had no effect either.

I think I'm just downloading the wrong images. I used qtopia the other
day and it worked fine so my hardware is not busted.

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