2008/9/30 Edgar D' Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
>  I feel terribly lost without my old Palm PDA, which bit the dust some
> time back - I used to have a mini-library on it :) Having exhausted
> most of our little collection of hard-copy books re-reading them, I
> tried out evince under 2008.8 on a couple of PDFs (that were A4
> papersize, AFAIK) and they were pretty not exactly pleasant to read. I
> wonder if anyone knows of any more congenial ebook reader software
> that would work on the FR - especially if it handled PDF, PDB, and TXT
> files. I don't mind trying to convert PDB and PDF and other files to
> text - if I could find an effective text file viewer for the distro.
> Or if someone could point me to a way to reflow or otherwise convert
> the PDF files for the smaller screen, so that I could read in a more
> legible pointsize, that would be great.

i too would be interested in this

i was hoping plucker would be in the repos, then i could tap directly
into stuff available on gutenberg.org, but i can't find it there, or
anywhere on the net

even a simple text editor/viewer would be great. and no, i'm not using
vi, joe, emacs, or anything even vaguely similar

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