This was done using the SHR-Testing image (05/03/2009)

I am using the version Qi from


Modifications made to the build, installed a couple of apps, GPRS (not
activated for this bug, although activation does create issues).  Note, my
power button doesn't launch a window where I can selectively suspend my
openmoko.  However I noticed that the Openmoko would automatically suspend
so I wasn't worried, until it didn't suspend.  Most recently this happened
right after I rebooted and played Mokomaze.  It didn't suspend, so I called
my phone from my office phone, nada.  After a bit went to voice mail.

and my freerunner sat right next to me, none the wiser.  Note it wasn't
locked up at this point.

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There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he
could realize his conception of the beautiful.
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
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