Werner Almesberger schrieb:
Matthias Huber wrote:
# blockrestore.sh
#!/bin/sh -x
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; do echo cp ${i}_* /dev/mtdblock$i ; cp
${i}_* /dev/mtdblock$i ; done

and in practice, this works for backup _and_ restore

but the backup with the assumption, that there are the destination
files already in the directory, like:

Hmm, don't you also assume that the partition has been erased before
writing ? Also, what happens if you have any bad blocks ?

No, erasing seemed not to be necessary.
why should i erase it ?

Bad Blocks: No i didnt even thing of it.
the four times i did a backup and two or three times i did a restore, there was no problem.
but you are of course right, one has to have a look at it.

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