On 8/23/05, Tobias Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> when trying to use the captive portal on 0.79 there is a strange thing.
> Following ports work without authentication:
> MySQL, smtp, ping, ssh, name. Others I didn´t check.
> m0n0wall (1.2b9) doesn´t show this behaviour.
> Is this a bug or a feature?

That's rather strange.  It's not doing that here.   Can you send me
your config.xml to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove the passwrods).

> heres my configuration
> 212.x.x.x               192.168.0.x / 24        192.168.1.x / 24
>       ----------  ------          -----------
> -----| Router |--| FW |----------| pfsense |-------------
>       ----------  ------          -----------
>                         (WAN -   (LAN -
> I didn´t check the checkbox "block private networks" because one of the
> Mail-Servers has a private ip-address (192.168.99.x)
> Another feature of m0n0wall which i think its very useful is the
> Reauthentication in current beta version.
> So accounting works good for our use. Is it planned to integrate this
> feature in a future pfsense version?

I thought we where pretty much in sync.   I'll take a look at it.


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