I'm probably missing something pretty obvious here, but I seem to be having real problems getting pfsense to correctly configure my wlan card.

I'm running 0.80.4 on a soekris 4801, with a mini-pci wireless card (ath0) configured as the OPT2 interface. I've configured the interface to start in hostap mode, and I've set the SSID and WEP key. These settings are definitely saved... I've checked the big XML settings file you get from the backup mechanism. These wireless specific settings are never actually used, though. Upon a reboot, the card is assigned the IP address I want it to have, and brought up. Yet if I want it to actually work in hostap mode, or use WEP in any way I need to invoke ifconfig to do so.

I'm assuming I've made a pretty basic error here. Can anyone set me straight?

Thanks in advance,
 - Ruan

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