The setup:

Router2 – Secondary

PPPoe WAN ----- -----


                                                      | - Virtual

Router1 – Primary                            |    

PPPoe WAN -----


A few quick questions please ..

1) What does the load balancing option in CARP page do?

2) If load balancing is enable on the CARP page do we still have to setup the LB service?

3) In the LB service .. do I setup the virtual IP(124) into the LB pool ( LAN GW to WAN ? ) Or do I use the 2 physical GW IPS of the routers (125 and 126)?

4) If I use pre-emption, one is master another is slave, does it still LB? It seems from the reading room .. only masters LB?  i.e. to LB using CARP pre-emption needs to be off so you can have 2 masters?


While the tutorial is helpful, it doesn’t really clarify how this stuff all ties together… tx



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