On 10/9/05, Szasz Revai Endre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So it should be possible to create 2 parent
queues(overall_lan,overall_wan), which under them would contain the
actual shaper wizard config, or create 2 more separate
queues(overall_lan,overall_wan) aside from what the shaper wizard

It _should_ be :)

Here's the problem:
I have generated a config with the wizard and saved it. It worked
perfectly, thank you Bill :D
And aside from that I have created 2 more parent queues, no special
config (i have set the 100Mb/s bandwidth with 5 priority), and i have
checked "parent queue", and the shaper instantly said this:
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:32: queue
overallLAN has no parent /tmp/rules.debug:32: errors in queue
definition /tmp/rules.debug:33: queue overallWAN has no parent
/tmp/rules.debug:33: errors in queue definition pfctl: Syntax error in
config file: pf rules not loaded - The line in question reads [32]:
queue overallLAN bandwidth 100Mb priority 5 hfsc

overallWAN and overallLAN need to be marked as parents.  As do qWANroot and qLANroot.  qLAN/WANroot need to then be set as children of overallWAN and overallLAN.  This is, however, where I suspect you'll run into trouble.  I don't recall offhand, how recursive I made the parent queue detection :)  pf does support this configuration, but our code doesn't do the recursion correctly (just tested what you are trying).  I did take a quick peek at the code and thought I had a workaround, but it didn't work.


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