On 10/13/05, Rajkumar S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Create NAT-Rules for your WAN-POOL
>     1. visit firewall>NAT>Outbound
>     2. enable advanced outbound nat
>     3. check the automatically created rules.
>     4. create rules for all your internal networks to map to OPT interfaces.. 
> (one rule for
>        each internal network to each opt-interface in the pool)
> I could not understand this? Which OPT interface?  "each internal network" ? 
> I have only one.

This is mainly a confirmation that the source addresses for your
internal network(s) will be presented to the internet correctly.  If
it looks right, don't do anything.

> Policy based balancing
>     1. Edit a firewall rule on the LAN or Optional interfaces.
>            * NOTE! We do not recommend editing the default pass all rule! 
> Create a new
> rule        before the default rule for your policy.
>     2. Set the gateway to the newly created pool
> Done!.
> It seems the loadbalancer is working. I am able to tcpdump the second gateway 
> and see some

good :)

> packets. But when I traceroute from the lan, all packets goes via the first 
> gateway. Also

State tables.  Wait a while try again.  Eventually you'll get on the
other side of your new 50-50 logic as to which link a new IP flow will
go down.

> can I specify the priority of each gateway. ie I have an 1mbps link and a 
> 256kbps, out of
> 5 packets 4 must go through 1mbps link and one via 256 kbps.  Also in the 
> wish list is to

Not today.  I think I have this locked out right now, but you can do
ratio based load balancing...put the 1Mbit link in the gateway pool 4
times and the 256K link once - that would have the same effect. 
Again, I believe this isn't currently possible in the UI, if you're
willing to test it, I'll open it up (I have a MUCH larger discrepency
at home 8Mbit and 384Kbit, so I don't load balance, I send targeted
traffic out each link).

> specify one gateway for some ips. ie dns and smtp server for first isp should 
> always be
> routed via first isp and vice versa.

Policy based routing.  Create a rule for each item you'd like to
direct over a given link.  Remember, we're a first match system, just
place the more specific rules first in your list and it'll match.


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