Scott Ullrich wrote:

I access SQL, RDP and many other items through my ipsec tunnel and I
never change the MTU on the client.   Thats a bad idea.    The
solution is to find out why the packets are getting frag'd.   Active
directory traffic does not work across my IPSEC tunnell but RDP and
friends surely do.   I would say there is something else causing the

I'm coming a bit late into this one, but it still seems to be outstanding. Fragmentation isn't the issue at all. Modern OS's use PMTUD to discover the largest MTU of the path, if it's less than their MTU. Racoon (or FreeBSD, more likely) breaks PMTUD with IPsec because it doesn't take the IPsec overhead into account. So packets end up larger than the 1500 or 1492 MTU on the WAN and just disappear. What should happen at that point is pfsense should send back a "frag needed, DF bit set" message, which causes the host to retry with a smaller MSS. Some commercial VPN's (Cisco client in particular) will avoid this altogether because it can be easier that way, by automatically fragmenting packets that are too big. That's with the Cisco client VPN, their site to site VPN takes IPsec overhead on PMTU into account appropriately. OS's with PMTUD enabled by default (virtually everything in use today) won't fragment packets, they'll set the DF bit on everything, expecting the "frag needed, DF bit set" reply part of PMTUD to work. ICMP is an exception to this, generally, in situations like with MS AD where it needs a 2000 byte ICMP echo request and reply to determine link speed (which is ridiculous, but regardless...). DF is generally not set by default on ICMP (at least on Windows). While this doesn't always happen, and doesn't happen to everyone, it's most definitely an issue. Lowering the client MTU is the only way to resolve it at this point. I don't know what the cause is, but it's an issue as described above with both m0n0wall and pfsense.

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