post your config?

At 10:17 AM 12/3/2005, you wrote:
You might try changing how Outlook sends attachments.  winmail.dat
doesn't help most people :)


On 12/3/05, DLStrout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hope this gif image is a better rep of what I was trying to convey ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Strout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 7:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: [pfSense Support] multi gateway LAN routing
> When setting up a pfS on a lan w/ a default
> gateway already installed, I would think that you
> would want to add a "static route" entry to point
> the LAN subnet to the "OTHER" (fwall) default
> router.
> I have an existing LAN w/ a working GW/FW and I
> have installed a pfS box for the sole purpose of
> connecting another SOHO VPN (LAN segment)
> connection onto the LAN.
> I have done this many time before with earlier
> versions of pfS and m0n0, in the sense that I can
> SIMPLY add a route on the fwall theat points to
> the pfS for the remote LAN segment. The defaultfor
> each local NET is the fwall by virtue of the DHCP
> addresses being handed out by the fwall on each
> LAN NET. I then add static routes on each pfSense
> box to say that the local LAN segment in eash site
> is served by "the fwall" and NOT pfSense.
> So the traffic from all LAN hosts on each net
> would go to the firewall for internet (default)
> traffic and to the pfSense box for accessing the
> tunneled LAN subnet addresses.
> I hope that you can all understatnd what it is I'm
> trying to accomplish, eg: I DO NOT want to (CAN
> NOT) remove the working firewalls from the 2
> networks, and simply want the networks to be able
> to talk over a secure VPN tunnel.
> pfSense IP:
> fwall IP:
> pfS staticroute: LAN<> via
> pfSense IP:
> fwall IP:
> pfS staticroute: LAN<> via
> P.S. - both pfS boxes are multihomed, but just the
> LAN & WAN (fxp0 & fxp1) interfaces are configured.
> When I add a static route to pfS it goes into a
> frenzy and is unreachable and itself is blind to
> the LAN segment.
> I get errors when trying to reboot the LOCALLAN
> pfSense on the console like:
> "arplookup: failed: host is not on
> local network"
> "arpresolve:can't allocate route for"
> I hope this isn't to confusing ... I'd be glad to
> answer any further questions.
> Seems to me that routing is broken in pfSense as
> this woks fine w/ FreeBSD6 stable.  I've seen this
> behavior since the jump to 6 stable, but it seems
> that routing on vanilla FreeBSD6 is working with
> the above config ..... at a loss.
> --
> David L. Strout
> Engineering Systems Plus, LLC
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