Dual wan load balanced internet access.

Just wondering wheather there is any status on this.

We would love to deploy this very soon. But on tests today it does not
seem to work correctly.

I used the following for my how to

Setup the pools

visit services -> load balancer 
delete any pools that are there that do not work 
add a new pool and call it loadbalancetowans or something descriptive 
set the description to load balancing from lan -> internet or something
set the type to gateway 
in the Monitor IP box, put the IP address of a host upstream from the
router that can be polled (via tcp socket) to ensure link is up 
in the IP box type in the lan IP address of the router 
add a Monitor IP and router IP for each additional OPT interface 
click save

Create NAT-Rules for your WAN-POOL

visit firewall>NAT>Outbound 
enable advanced outbound nat 
check the automatically created rules. 
create rules for all your internal networks to map to OPT interfaces..
(one rule for each internal network to each opt-interface in the pool) 
Apply the changes

I am guessing that carp or VIP's are not required for this to work.

I have the following queries where I may have gone wrong

Q: polled (via tcp socket)  

A: can I poll my external webserver on port 80 ????
(or what exactly should we be doing here)

Q in the IP box type in the lan IP address of the router
A: is this the gateway of wan and wan1 on the pfsense box

Q: add a Monitor IP and router IP for each additional OPT interface
A: should the monitor IP be the same for each wan interface????



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