I find it irrelevant to the discussion what others are doing, though :-).

Simply that this concept is alien to me, and I'm trying to grasp
context - the more outside examples the better.  It seems that what
you're looking for is somewhat similar to some of the higher-level
"shiny" bits on Cisco's PDM - just assign the rules and it'll figure
out where they go.

It's all added complexity to me - the interface information is
implicit in the network or host that's already defined for each rule
anyway.  Having to stuff specific rules "into specific interfaces" is
just completely superfluous, it seems to me.

So it's the presentation that gets you - you could know that under the
covers it's interface-based (and will always be, since networks are
interface-focused), and would probably want a hook that you could set
an explicit interface if need be, but otherwise don't want to be
bothered with it.  DWIM-ery (Do What I Mean) - a constant companion to
our friend from mac.com.  I'd be willing to bet that this discussion
mirrors the GUI/CLI zealots' lines.  I fall in the latter group, but
find UI discussions fascinating.

Not that it's what you're asking for, but at one point when I put a
rule into the wrong interface on pfSense (been a long time ago), it
actually set it on the right one.


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