What I just come to think of... should I disable the rule of pfsense itself ?
I have used pfSense for almost 2 months now, and have opened port 25 in the very beginning... might it be that this open port is still there, and that spamd also has an open port ?

I think I have the sitation below, when installing spamd ?

WAN --> port25 --> LAN
WAN --> port25 --> LOCALHOST --> LAN

However, when telnetting into port 25 (with or without spamd) I get the answer of my mailserver (very slow with spamd installed, but I guess that would be that option to disappoint a spammer :) )

Michel Servaes schreef:
It still won't react... I waited more than 30 minutes, but it still doesn't come through...
I see in the System log a lot of spamd(1080), disconnect after xxx seconds...

This is the snip in my rules.debug :

spam table
table <whitelist> persist
table <blacklist> persist
table <spamd> persist
table <spamd-white> persist file "/var/db/whitelist.txt"
rdr pass on fxp0 proto tcp from <blacklist> to port smtp -> port spamd
rdr pass on fxp0 proto tcp from <spamd> to port smtp -> port spamd
rdr pass on fxp0 proto tcp from !<spamd-white> to port smtp -> port spamd
rdr pass on fxp0 proto tcp from <spamd-white> to port smtp -> port smtp is our local mailserver.

Scott Ullrich schreef:
On 5/1/08, Michel Servaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So you don't config anything in the SpamD settings at all ?
 The nextMTA shouldn't be your mailserver ?? I tried with and without, but
still no mail gets delivered...


 If I send a mail (from a spamless address), should the mail be visible in
the SpamD database ??
 And how much time will it take to be delivered in the true mailbox? 25
minutes, or is this a complete other thing here (the greylist I mean)

About 30 minutes to white list.

 I used to use MDaemon's SPAM (which was quite easy, since it almost works
without a hassle), so this is quite a new approach for me...

Verify in /tmp/rules.debug that you have a rdr for port 25 going to
the next mta.  In fact, post the block of rules around the SpamD rdr.


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