On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Aliet Santiesteban Sifontes
> Hi, all I'm using a new installed pfsense 1.2.1 with three attached
> newtoks, wan, lan and optional 1, I have defined rules on lan
> interface to allow all outgoing connections on that interface, but
> everything is blocked, a test in dns server query shows this on pftop:

What makes you think pfSense is blocking the traffic?  Are the logs
pointing to this?  Have you tcpdump'd on the outside interface to show
the traffic not leaving the firewall?  Maybe it's not getting NAT'd
correctly - are you expecting it to be NAT'd?  Also, ASCII network
diagrams rarely work properly for anyone using systems that render
email with truetype fonts, can you provide an image with your layout
(not that I suspect this is of issue, but since you provided one and
it'd be helpful to understanding what it is you are trying to do, it'd
be nice).  Thanks


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