On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:03 AM, David Meireles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Angelo, not joking, not crazy... Before having squid installed in the
> pfSense box, there was an IPCop Proxy with a direct connect to the web (2
> lan cards, one green, other red). To make the clients pass that server (in
> transparent mode), I used it as gateway in DHCP config, and it worked all
> the time...

I'm guessing the IPCop redirects port 80 to it's local squid instance.
 If your squid is setup this way, then yes, this would work.  I can
only guess at the original posters configuration, but it's likely not
setup to do that.  Squid is probably running on it's default 3128 port
and expecting to be used as a proxy and is using pfSense to do the


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