On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 08:31, rgreiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> could somebody point me to a document on how I could deploy pfSense with
> a load balance/failover config, considering 2 pfsense boxes? I'm not
> interested in a dual WAN config, because our backbone already handles
> that tranparently (OSPF/BGP). What I would like to have is 2 pfSense
> boxes load-balancing/failing-over as gateways for my LAN (private IPs)
> to the WAN (public IP) gateway address. Is this possible? Is there any
> documentation available?

Yes - there's a whole subsection of the forum dedicated to this: CARP.
 There's also a flash video tutorial, but I haven't the time to seek
it out ATM.

It's pretty simple - you set up your two boxes with two separate LAN
IPs, set them to synchronize (paying special attention to the CARP
sync options), then configure a virtual IP between them on the LAN
segment.  Set clients' default route as the virtual IP (via DHCP or
statically), and away you go.  You can even get cute and float a
virtual WAN IP between them as well (with the same CARP ID) and set up
an advanced outbound NAT for the LAN subnet, translating to the
virtual IP.  WAN fails with the LAN, and away you go.


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