Veiko Kukk wrote:

I have dual pfsense 1.2.1, LAN interface, WAN and OPT1, last two are different ISP's. I have configured 3 carp interfaces and gateway failover for load balancer. I only need failover, not load balancing. Tried with one and two failover pools with no success. When WAN isp is disconnected, no switching to OPT1 isop occurs, thought i can see in logs that OPT1 is considered working: "slbd[23449]: ICMP poll succeeded for, marking service UP and the same is indicated by web interface "Online" as well.
Still no traffic goes out through OPT1!?
I hope somebody can help me with this, as I understand there must be people who have similar and working setup and pfsense should have that ability.

Please, somebody confirm this bug or help me solve possible misconfiguration, I really need to have wan failover.


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