Currently running:

built on Wed Apr 1 16:59:10 EDT 2009



In addition to a fiber connection at this particular location, there is also
a second connection brought in via a cable modem. The fiber connection is
intended to serve the incoming connections to web servers, mail servers,
etc. The second cablemodem connection is intended for web browsing and other
misc traffic, as to not bog down the fiber so much.


So, I added an outbound NAT so that traffic originating from the LAN side
destined to port 80 would use the interface address of the cable connection.
Initially, this did not work as expected-- until I rebooted pfSense. Web
traffic did pass, but it was not NATTing to the correct address--I verified
by browsing to, and until I rebooted pfSense, it
did not report the correct address. So, I tried it again with port 443
(whatismyip supports SSL :). Sure enough, it reported the old IP address
until I rebooted pfSense again.


I don't remember having this problem before--why would I need to reboot for
this to take effect? And yes, I did completely close the browser so that an
existing state wouldn't be reused.


Bug or user error?


Dimitri Rodis

Integrita Systems LLC


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