Benjamin Fromme wrote:
> Hi List,
> we have several tunnels between some pfsense 1.2.2 boxes. For phase 2 we
> have configured AES256 as the only encryption algorithm and everything works 
> fine. 
> Now we upgrade one of the boxes to pfsense 1.2.3RC1 and all tunnels on
> this box are broken. The 1.2.2 boxes show the tunnel as working, on the
> 1.2.3RC1 box we see the following in the logs:
> When we configure the tunnels with 3DES instead of AES every works fine
> again?! Any ideas? Thanks!

Can you try a more recent 1.2.3-RC snapshot based on FreeBSD 7.2?

ipsec-tools was upgraded to a version from their CVS tree,
0.8-something. It's been working great for me, it fixed a lot of
DPD/Peer Loss issues, and seems to work fine. I haven't tried it with
AES yet, but it may help in your situation.


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