>On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Evgeny Yurchenko <evg.yu...@rogers.com>
>> I do not know a lot about Hyper-v but in VMWare for instance you can 
>> block frames with 'faked' mac-addresses. Probably you hit the same 
>> problem as CARP-packets have MAC-addresses 'not real' but specifically
>I'm sure that's exactly the problem, something in hyper-v changed to
block/break that. Better to ask on a Microsoft forum why you can no longer
use two MAC addresses on the same host.

For what it's worth, I figured this out a few days back thanks to Evgeny's
hint. On the virtual NICs on the Virtual Machine itself in Hyper-V R2, there
is a checkbox labeled "Allow MAC Address Spoofing" (or something close to
that). Checking that box allows the CARP addresses to work fine.

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