On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Dimitri Rodis
<dimit...@integritasystems.com> wrote:
> pfSense 2.0, most recent builds
> When I go to status/traffic graph, the graph is correct but the list of
> hosts is not. I don’t know if there’s something I’m not doing, but here’s
> what I did to test it:
> Put a windows machine (my laptop) on the LAN interface, and plug the WAN
> into my internal network. I connected to my file server from the laptop, and
> copied 10 GB of data from the file server to the laptop. When I did, the
> graph showed 98Mb of traffic fairly consistently, but the host list never
> showed more than a few kb of traffic for my laptop, and on the WAN side it
> never showed the file server’s ip address at all. It almost looks like the
> host list is only looking at traffic directed to pfSense itself as opposed
> to through that particular interface.

It's not clear to me from your email if you looked at the graph for
both WAN and LAN interface. In fact, when I look at the WAN graph I
only ever see public IP addresses that are local to pfsense. In other
words, I have NATed hosts and routed hosts internally, and while I see
the routed hosts show up on the WAN graph, I do not see NATed hosts,
but I do see their corresponding WAN address.

When I look at the LAN graph I see addresses of individual hosts on the LAN.

What I do find strange is that I also sometimes see the network and
broadcast address of my internal routed network show up on the WAN
graph even though that network is routed through a private gateway,
and not directly connected to pfsense.

So I have this:

pfsense WAN: x.x.224.55
pfsense LAN:
static route: x.x.225.176/30 gw

So the only host beyond the network is x.x.225.178, and
yet on the LAN graph I occasionally see x.x.225.y, where y = 176-179,
although normally it just shows y = 178, which is expected.

I also occasionally see addresses show up there and then freeze, where
they don't disappear and the rate doesn't change, although that host
may be long silent.


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