On 1/30/2011 11:29 PM, Mark Jones wrote:
> Well, I'm pretty close to admitting defeat.  I've followed the guidance given 
> @
> http://devwiki.pfsense.org/DevelopersBootStrapAndDevIso
> I've used FreeBSD 8, 7.2 and 7.1, and in all cases am unable to build a 
> developer ISO.  I've built portmaster and attempted to use it to build the 
> development ISO.
> I think a large part of the problems I'm having have to do with the FreeBSD 
> idea that you should build all these packages on every machine instead of 
> having prebuilt binaries you can install, and then those "ports" aren't in 
> sync with each other so that package A wants B, C and D, but B and D are 
> mutually exclusive on package E.
> For example:  you need seemingly pecl-APC to build a developer ISO yet pecl 
> APC won't be built if you have PHP4 and if you replace PHP4 with PHP5 then 
> other parts won't build because they are looking for PHP4 stuff.
> So, long story short, WHERE can I find a prebuilt Developer ISO, or barring 
> that how do I actually manage to build a developer ISO that compiles and 
> links so that I can actually produce the ISO?
> Oh, and my favorite error (after the several hundred compiler issues of 
> missing header files and redefined values is the one at the end of the build:
> .: Can't open ./builder_common.sh: No such file or directory
> Sorry if my tone seems a bit acerbic, but more than 3 days wasted trying to 
> get code to build has frazzled my nerves.

The actual "Developer ISO" is no longer supported. You can build a
normal ISO fine, though. I setup builders frequently and lately it's
been smooth, at least for a 2.0 builder on FreeBSD 8.1.

I haven't seen that builder_common.sh error, but that file does exist in
the builder_scripts/ directory under the tools repo, where most of the
work is done.

Some hints:
1. Do this in an isolated VM or server - don't try to re-use a box
you've got doing other things.
2. Start with a clean install of FreeBSD 8.1 (no ports installed!),
update your base OS to RELENG_8_1 with csup
3. Update the ports tree (portsnap fetch extract) before doing anything
else. It's mentioned on the instructions but worth repeating.
4. All commands are run from /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts
5. Follow the directions on the page, but optionally skip the menu and
just use ./set_version.sh instead.
6. Run ./update_git_repos.sh between build attempts, to make sure you
have the latest version of the code checked out.

That said, the build_iso.sh that produces an ISO image will give you a
normal ISO, not a developer ISO. I'm not sure anyone has tried a dev iso
in ages. We stopped the automated builds of them long ago, as we all
just use FreeBSD VMs/jails to build things and then move them onto the


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