On 3/30/2011 10:02 PM, Volkan VURAL wrote:
> Squid+squidguard randomly stop filtering and pass all traffic. (pfsense
> 1.2.3, squid 2.7.9_4, squidGuard 1.4_3 pkg v.1.9) ...
> But another my pfsense system (pfsense 1.2.3, squid 2.7.9_4, squidGuard
> 1.3_1 pkg v.1.9) working good.
> When i add new squidguard packet than  squid and squidguard not
> working.. If i remove squidguard, squid is good working.
> I tried reinstalled squid + squidguard ...

Try this:

* Uninstall squid
* Uninstalll squidguard
* From the shell or Diagnostics > Command, pkg_delete openldap\*
* Reinstall squid
* Reinstall squidGuard

I updated squidGuard the other day and OpenLDAP had a shared library
version bump that is being quite annoying to deal with... And the way
1.2.3 doesn't uninstall some dependent packages isn't making it any
easier. :-)


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