>2011/7/13 Jim Pingle <li...@pingle.org<mailto:li...@pingle.org>>
>On 7/9/2011 9:17 PM, Dimitri Rodis wrote:
>> The system is and has been set to -8 (I am Pacific Daylight Time, USA), and 
>> hasn't been re/booted since the first boot on that build--and I >have 
>> reported this issue back in RC1 and it still appears to be an issue. It 
>> almost looks as if the check_reload_status (among a couple of others >that 
>> haven't shown up in the log yet) specifically always logs with the wrong 
>> timestamp.
>Are you actually using the GMT +/- zone or a named zone such as

See screen snip below.


<<inline: image001.png>>

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