doug reinhard wrote:
I had trouble adding a buddy, finally it seemed to work and I communicated with them 1 day. The next time I went to IM them I got this mssg : [ *Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally happens when the user is blocked or does not exist.* ] I tried 5 times, closed and re-opened several times and nothing. So I removed them and tried starting over and now I get this mssg: [*Unable to add the buddy ********** <mailto:**********>** because the username is invalid. Usernames must be valid email addresses.*] I use this email so I know it is indeed valid. WHAT'S GOING ON??

The un-named service, has stopped working with the unspecified version of Pidgin, running on an un-named operating system, when attempting to connect through an unknown sort of network connection, and no debug log information has been provided.

What has changed since it worked?

The first message doesn't appear to exist in Pidgin 2.7.10 - it may have come directly from the service, or may have been mis-copied. The second message can only be produced by Pidgin when accessing the MSN service.

There have been many reports of the second problem, but I've not heard of a developer being able to reproduce it.
David Woolley
Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.

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