David Balažic spake unto us the following wisdom:
> https://xkcd.com/936/
> [Password Strength]
> Engineers sometimes lose their perspective on things...

Note that, while this is generally good advice (better than writing
down passwords and using Password!), it's not universally agreed that
it's a great scheme.

Note also that I, for one, am not an engineer.

> Until Pidgin is changed (is there no plugin for this?), people can use
> file or disk encryption provided by their operating system or 3rd
> party.

This is correct.

> How to, is (or should be) described in the FAQ.

No.  Maybe we should mention that one could/should do so, but we don't
need to explain how.  There are simply too many options, and too many
pitfalls.  Bad advice is worse than no advice.


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