On 24/10/2022 16:23, Sarah O. wrote:

We had a pop stating that our SSL Certificate had expired. How do we go
about fixing that?

This will be the certificate on the server, not anything that is under pidgin's control. Pidgin is an, open source, messaging client that can work with many types of server, including some public services, so there is no simple answer to your question.

Also certificates have to be signed by a trusted third party (e.g. Verisign, or LetsEncrypt, or even your own corporate one). Details of the procedure will also depend on which is being used. (If you are FurnaceFilterKing, the trusted third party for your public web site is DigiCert Inc. However, your internal server might be using the old branding and might have a different certifier.)

We need to add another account for an employee, how do we do that? Please
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Again, this is something that needs to be done on the server, not on pidgin. Once you have created the account, you can then configure the new employee's pidgin to access it.

Also note that there is no formal support organisation for Pidgin. This mailing list is answered by users.

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