Just upgraded my version of Ambdec,

Unless I missed something (it's 3 in the morning;-)> there
is no longer a Mac Makefile.

I have got Ambdec running nicely (though do not have
the facilities to check on a rig until next week ... so
fingers crossed).

In the source directrory, I :
cp Makefile Makefile-Linux
mv Makefile Makefile-Mac

then edited Makefile-Mac (see below)
cp Makefile-Mac Makefile
then the 'make' 'make install' as instructed in the INSTALL file.

There was one complaint/warning ... but hopefully non-fatal.
(install: ambdec_cli: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 71)
Think I left a (?)redundant line in the Makefile ...

Running ambdec then results in an error message that it
cannot find two PNG files. I made the necessary directory
and hand copied them from the 'share' directory.
(source user$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ambdec/
source user$ sudo cp ../share/meter* /usr/local/share/ambdec/

Ambdec then comes up nicely.

Apologies if this is a re-invention, but I couldn't find it
anywhere ...


:source user$ diff Makefile-Mac Makefile-Linux
< # Homemade : MJC 20120902
< #CPPFLAGS += -march=native
> CPPFLAGS += -march=native
< all:  ambdec
> all:  ambdec ambdec_cli
< ambdec:       LDLIBS += -lclxclient -lclthreads -ljack -lpng -lXft -lX11
-framework Cocoa
< ambdec:       LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11R6/$(LIBDIR)
> ambdec:       LDLIBS += -lclxclient -lclthreads -ljack -lpng -lXft -lX11 -lrt
> ambdec:       LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> AMBDEC_CLI_O = ambdec_cli.o jclient.o nffilt.o xover2.o decoder.o
adconf.o sstring.o
> ambdec_cli:   LDLIBS += -lclthreads -ljack -lrt
> ambdec_cli:   $(AMBDEC_CLI_O)
>       g++ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(AMBDEC_CLI_O) $(LDLIBS)
> -include $(AMBDEC_CLI_O:%.o=%.d)

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