This is a great writeup! Needless to say I am delighted this project has worked out. I hope that it will prove not to be a one-off, and that other such places will also open their doors and caverns to acoustic sampling (not least: the LHC is off for updates this year, so will be raised back up to room temperature and become human-friendly for a while). While the exercise was of course primarily to record the spaces, it will also I hope help to alert physicists who may not previously have thought about their experiments in such ways to the possibilities and (at the very least) potential outreach value. When we (LHCsound) published our first batch of sonifications of variously real and simulated Higgs and other data from the ATLAS detector at the LHC, apart from significant media interest many composers jumped on the sounds and used them as the basis for all sorts of pieces (e.g. search for "LHC Remix" on Soundcloud). One of our sounds even got used by the BBC as part of a piece on CERN for "The World This Weekend" on radio 4. The LHCsound website was for a while overwhelmed by the number of hits.

So even if in purely acoustic terms the sounds are comparable with those in many similar industrial spaces, it is clear that the fact of their source will be highly significant to many composers. Whether dark matter has the same cachet as the quest for the Higgs only time will tell, but I hope once the IRs are available, they will encourage many who may not previously have considered surround to explore the possibilities. And it goes without saying that I will be asking Gran Sasso researchers for some data to sonify at the earliest opportunity.

So now may be a good time to dust off all those first-order panners and convolvers (especially the more accessible "plugin" ones), in case a whole lot of new users (possibly also new to Ambisonics) suddenly appear!

Richard Dobson

On 16/02/2013 21:27, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
Hello all,

Yesterday (friday 15/02/2013)  David Monacchi and I visited LNGS, the
Gran Sasso nuclear physics laboratory [1] and recorded some acoustic
impulse responses of the spaces in which the Darkside50 experiment is
currently being installed.

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