Referring to my last post (moments ago) the following paragraph is in error.

Another area I would be interested in investigating is time-to-contact as it 
applies to hearing (Gibson was mostly involved with vision), and how binaural 
implantation might improve a listeners sense of safety in “three dimensional” 
space where there are multiple, moving, sound sources. Such studies under 
headphones are very realistic. As you wrote, “One of the characteristics in 
Gibson’s ecological approach that has been adopted by the VR field is the idea 
that perceptions are confirmed as true through ‘successful action in the 
environment’. Tilting one’s head can be considered action in the environment, 
and if the spatiality of the sounds heard correlate then that action can be 
considered successful. So head movements help to confirm that what is being 
perceived is correct.” I very much agree with what you wrote. Adding to this, 
avoiding collision is certainly a more successful action than identifying 
location to the nearest nth of a

What I meant to say was, "Such studies under headphones are NOT very realistic."

A surround of speakers still rules.
Eric C.
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