Dave Malham wrote:

> We had a rig in our original Music Technology room consisting of four Quad
> electrostatics (the original ones!) suspended about a metre and a half
> below the sloping wooden ceiling so they were above head height but angled
> so they were directed at a central head height point. The array worked very
> well at reproducing 1st order pieces on the horizontal but generated
> spurious 'up' (and 'down') images which we traced to reflections of the
> radiation from the back of the speakers from ceiling nd walls.

In fairness to Dermot, I should point out that
elsewhere in his 1996 post (in a part I did not
quote) he wrote:

   "It would appear that, in general, lively
    listening environments are preferable as
    long as strong early reflections are avoided."
   "Use of reflecting diffusors would therefore
    appear to be recommended such that
    strong specular reflections are avoided but
    significant liveness is maintained."

Dermot's post is preserved at:

Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese  stanfordalumni.org
Web: http://members.tripod.com/martin_leese/
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