Is it possible to run this on a PC via an Android emulator. If so, how does one go about doing so?

On 11/10/2014 00:29, Hector Centeno wrote:
Hello all,

After some delay, version 2 of AmbiExplorer is finally out and available at
the Google Play store:

As always, please contact me if you find any problems.


Hector Centeno

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 9:55 PM, Hector Centeno <> wrote:


I just would like to share here with the community the new features
COMING SOON in version 2.0 of AmbiExplorer.

A walkthrough video is available here:

Please, feel free to make any comments, suggestions or requests in the
list or to my personal email. I'm planning on making the update
available within the next two weeks but I'm willing to delay it if
there are any requests that I think could be implemented easily.

My interest as a sound artist has been very influenced by the
practices of field recording, soundscape based sound art and acoustic
ecology. This is the reason why part of the new features are library
management and library import/export (online/offline) and geotagging
that would allow others to share location based ambisonic sound art
work or field recordings (the exported .ambxp file is a simple CSV
file with a structure described in the help section of the app). The
other major features are Bluetooth head-tracking, HRTF selection from
the LISTEN database and improved UHJ to binaural decoding. More
details below:


- First run user interface tutorial
- New library system for importing 4 channel, dual stereo or UHJ files
- Select an HRTF for binaural decoding from the full IRCAM LISTEN database
- Connection to an external Bluetooth head-tracker with communication
protocol based on the Razor AHRS project:
- Library item geolocation and Map view
- Library item description/title editable
- Create location placeholders using GPS (good for tracking locations
during field recordings) or by long-pressing on the Map View. The
placeholders can later be assigned to ambisonic files
- Playback using automatic location based triggering that also works
while the app is running in the background (with status bar
- Import and Export libraries as CSV files with extension .ambxp. The
exported libraries include the geolocation and title data.
- Import libraries from internet sources
- Greatly iImproved UHJ to binaural decoding
- Decode B-Format to stereo UHJ
- Improved internal sensors stability
- Several bug fixes and interface improvements

Version 1 demo video:


Hector Centeno

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