Cor, that brings back memories of bunches of 56000 DSP's keeping my office
warm at York in the early 90's. This was during the development phase of
the National Centre for Popular Music (known by us as the National Car
Park) the Sheffield based Lottery funded project which sadly ended up
failing**  On the better side there was hearing my first head-tracked
binaural from FOA at Lake's stand at the VR93 conference in 1993. Good
machine, needed a better development environment and a (much) lower price.


**well, if the least of the problems is that you let architects determine
loudspeaker positions on the basis of what looks good (resulting in the
lower ring of speakers being more or less at ear height  instead of below
people's feet as we had designed it) and not having dressing rooms when you
want live acts to perform, things aren't going to go well.

On 20 September 2017 at 18:55, Ben Claridge <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are having a clear out and have come across our old Lake HURON which
> has DSP cards for 16 channels of in/out.
> I believe it is now 20 years old so a real ambisonics antique!
> If anyone out there is interested in taking it off our hands and getting
> it running again, please send me a message.
> Thanks,
> Ben
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As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University.

These are my own views and may or may not be shared by the University

Dave Malham
Honorary Fellow, Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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