On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 09:05:31AM +0200, Oddity Medium wrote:

> Hello, this summer I will do a show at the Kunstverein Munich (here are
> pictures for a sense of scale
> <http://www.kunstverein-muenchen.de/en/program/exhibitions/archive/2013/rebecca-warren-the-living>)
> and am planning on ambisonic sound.

First of all, if you are seeking help, at least have the decency of presenting
yourself with your real name.

> Will I need an insane array of speakers? Can I get away with 4? or the
> Sonible/IEM
> IKO <http://iko.sonible.com/>?

Depends entirely on what you want to achieve. Directional speakers like
the Sonible are based on the same mathematical theory as Ambisonics, but
apart form that they have nothing at all to do with Ambisonic reproduction.
That you are confusing the two tells me that you currently have little or
no understanding of Ambisonics.

> I will prolly use the Brahma-in-Zoom - any thoughts/opinions on Brahma mics?

I have some thoughts/opinions on those, but since it's absolutely
unclear what you want to do, they are of no use here.

> Also - anyone in Munich? Hit me up, I will come visit soon.

I'm based in Munich. Feel free to contact me off-list.


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