Dear Simon,

after having read the description of what you want to do, I thought about 
another solution.

We are currently working at an iOS implementation of the 3D Tune-In Toolkit. 
It's an HRTF-based binaural spatialisation engine, so not an HOA-to-binaural 
converter, but...if you decode the HOA stream to an array of loudspeakers and 
then render each of them as an individual source in the binaural spatialiser, 
it will work. It currently works on an iPad Pro 2, and it can handle 25-30 
anechoic sources at the same time (without binaural reverberation so...anechoic 
spatialisation). The head tracking is done using the sensors on the 
phone/tablet, and each source can be played/stopped remotely via OSC. All 
sources positions can be imported in the application through a configuration 
file (json), while the sound files need to be located in the mobile device (but 
you can also read them from Dropbox or other online storage). It's just a 
prototype at the moment, but it works already very well. The iPad Pro 2 is a 
rather powerful machine, but current iPhones and iPads will do even better. this case, you'll just need to synchronise the OSC play/stop with the 
video, and it will play remotely on every user's device.

If interested, let me know and we'll find a way for you to try it (TestFlight 
or similar).

Best regards

Dr Lorenzo Picinali
Senior Lecturer in Audio Experience Design
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Dyson Building
Imperial College Road
South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London
T: 0044 (0)20 7594 8158

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