Welcome to my world - as it used to be! The ring-pass-not is that word 'standardised". My AMB Wavex-based file format is now 22 years old (FuMa, up to third-order). People have long moved on - basically as soon as that was published, everyone here started arguing about all the other information that should be included, alternative standards, channel order, higher orders, filters, irregular layouts, the works. I am still not too sure if even now things are standardised enough for anyone to write a fresh file format for it that pleases everyone. Suffice it to say, such things can't just be written,they have to be implemented and tested, e.g. on vast tiered speaker layouts which very few people have access to. And of course it will need to use a 64bit-friendly file format too...

A reminder, for anyone feeling nostalgic:


Richard Dobson

On 24/05/2022 23:13, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
On 2022-05-24, Alan Kan wrote:

Ah… it seems one has to actually click on the file to see that detail. I was downloading from the list page.

Why not embed the a standardised format descriptor into the file itself? Most formats permit that. In fact that's what we've been doing all along e.g.in RIFF WAVE.
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