zentara wrote:
> > Les Hedrington wrote:
> >
> > I was so proud of myself when I got SuSE 5.3,  I ran home(that is hard
> > best.  Now I am thinking that I should have waited, or I am wondering
> > if I should just go and get 6.0.
> >
> > I really want to standardize on one distribution, so I am also
> > wondering if anyone knows the Distribution Schedule or I should say
> > the release schedule.
> >
> 6.0 is out, and I'm patiently waiting for my cd's. It would be worth
> upgrading because alot of the various software packages are now
> using glibc2, and 6.0 is based on glibc2. Whereas 5.3 is libc5.
> So, if you are interested in trying out, and compiling all the newest
> software releases, get 6.0.
> If you just want to web surf, get email, and do basic word-processing
> etc., then 5.3 still works fine; and you might want to wait for 6.1,
> which will probably be more bug-free, and have a better standard kernel.

My subscription came fedex this afternoon!  My appologies to SuSE, they
do know how to keep my business!
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