While I would rather see a ban, *preventing a weakening* of existing
labeling standards and prevent propaganda to promote genetic engineering
doesn't really come across to me as "selling out."  If the vote in question
had been a choice between banning and labeling and she had chosen labeling,
I would agree.  But I am not aware of any bills being brought to committee
that would actually impose a ban.  (If I'm wrong, enlighten me!)  For that
lack of progress, you could blame others in the house and senate for not
having the guts to stand up to Monsanto.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Maura Stephens <msteph...@ithaca.edu>

> She sells out on this one, as she does on just about every other issue
> (when she even acknowledges the issue, I should add). Well, at least she
> used the salutation "Ms." rather than the insulting "Miss" or "Ma'am" or
> "Mrs." I've gotten from some of her male colleagues. Small consolation
> that, and that she wants to "label" GM foods rather than banning them in
> the interests of the public good. She has drunk the dyed sugary drink dry
> mix.
> Maura
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *"Senator Kirsten Gillibrand" <sena...@gillibrand.senate.gov>
> *Subject: **Reply from Senator Gillibrand*
> *Date: *July 12, 2016 9:15:24 AM EDT
> July 12, 2016
> Dear Ms. S,
> Thank you for contacting me regarding the labeling of genetically
> engineered (GE) food.  I share your concerns and believe that there must be
> a uniform federal standard that provides consumers with easy access to
> accurate information regarding the products they purchase.
> On March 1, 2016, the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
> Committee held a business meeting to review Chairman Roberts' GE labeling
> bill.  As you know, Chairman Roberts' bill would create a voluntary
> labeling standard for foods containing GE ingredients and would preempt
> state laws that require labeling of GE food or seeds.  This bill would also
> call for a U.S. Department of Agriculture education campaign to promote
> consumer acceptance of biotechnology.  While this bill passed out of
> committee by a vote of 14-6, I did not vote in support of Chairman Roberts'
> proposal.
> I believe that GE products can play an important role in combating world
> hunger, increasing agricultural productivity, and improving the nutritional
> content of certain foods.  I do, however, believe that we should develop a
> national mandatory labeling standard that allows consumers to make informed
> decisions.  For this reason, I am a cosponsor of the Biotechnology Food
> Labeling Uniformity Act (S.2621), which would require food manufactures to
> disclose the presence of GE ingredients on the nutrition facts panel by
> choosing from one of four labeling options approved by the Food and Drug
> Administration (FDA).  This bill balances the interests of consumers and
> producers by making certain that consumers have access to clear information
> about GE ingredients and ensuring that food manufacturers have regulatory
> certainty from the FDA when complying with a single labeling standard.
> Thank you again for writing to express your concerns, and I hope that you
> keep in touch with my office regarding future legislation and concerns you
> may have.  For more information on this and other important issues, please
> visit my website at http://gillibrand.senate.gov and sign up for my
> e-newsletter.
> Sincerely,
> Kirsten Gillibrand
> United States Senator

To dither or deliver/Decent deeds don't deceive
Decide to override/Poor programming
Gracious gratitude/Sprinkled and spread
Leading lives of love/And conscience instead
-- My Love

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