I thought some of you might be interested in the Lab's upcoming Monday
Night Seminar. It will be a showing of Sonic Sea at the Cornell Cinema at
7pm. Hope to see you there…

November 7
Screening: Sonic Sea, featuring a Q&A with Dr. Christopher Clark
(@Cornell Cinema)

Come to the Cornell Cinema to watch “Sonic Sea” in this special free
screening hosted by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Oceans are a sonic
symphony. Sound is essential to the survival and prosperity of marine life,
but man-made ocean noise is threatening this fragile world. Sonic Sea is
about protecting life in our waters from the destructive effects of oceanic
noise pollution. After the screening, join a Q&A discussion with Dr.
Christopher Clark who is featured in the film.

Also featured in the film is Leila Hatch (daughter of Marty and Susie


*“I know it's impossible. Do it anyway.” *
*Tom Dennis*

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visit:  http://www.sustainabletompkins.org/
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Shelley, at t...@cornell.edu.

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