Richard D. Wolff was here in Ithaca last year, talking about economic justice, 
cooperatives, and more. Here he’s got a great piece up at Truthout that should 
speak to us all. He describes the potential evolution to fascism (he’s being 
nice); here’s a useful excerpt:

"'Resistance' has quickly become the watchword of an impressive opposition to 
the Trump-Bannon government and its fascist potential. However, the lessons of 
capitalism's dysfunctional politics will have gone unlearned if opposition 
remains at the level of resisting this particular administration. Exchanging 
the Trump-Bannon regime for a return to "normal" capitalism returns us to 
precisely the system that produced Trump and Bannon.”
Capitalism Produced Trump: Another Reason to Move Beyond It
Sunday, April 02, 2017 
By Richard D. Wolff <>

The fact that Trump, Bannon and the rest of their coterie do not think through 
the implications of their acts is not unusual. One marked peculiarity of 
politics in capitalist systems is how those systems train politicians. 
Corporations and the rich provide the funds that enable election victories. 
They expect specific favors in return: a government order, a tariff, crisis 
bailouts, or a foreign intervention, for example. Politicians in office must 
deliver those, or risk removal. Politicians must also veneer those deliveries 
with verbiage about the national interest, the people's safety, job creation 
and other vague yet vital-sounding priorities. The act of thinking through 
their actions' implications -- let alone publicly explaining such complexities 
-- exceeds the capacity and need of many political leaders. They usually do the 
favors (or, at least, most of them) while allaying popular concerns with public 
posturing. If and when that fails, they repress those concerns.

It is impossible to identify, measure and trace the influences on every 
political decision. Politicians hope that their positions are strengthened, or 
at least not too badly damaged, by whatever consequences are attributed to 
their actions. No matter how confident they are in predicting these 
consequences, politicians generally focus on preparing either to plausibly 
dispute any negative consequences or deflect responsibility.

Taking a different tack, we might ask what must happen for Trump and Bannon's 
actions to yield the outcomes they claim to hope for. Our answers will suggest 
some sense of where this theatrical new administration will likely push us.  
Read the whole story at Truthout. 
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