Thanks for all the work leading up to this.

Chuck G.

From: <> on behalf of Anna Kelles 
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 12:46 PM
To: Fall Creek Listserv <>, Dewitt Park 
Neighborhood Association <>, SUSTAINABLE_TOMPKINS-L 
<>, CSED <>, TCP 
Cc: "Brian B. Eden" <>, Caitlin Darfler <>, 
Caitlin Darfler <>, Kristin McCarthy 
<>, Amanda Champion <>, Annie 
Koreman <>, Cathy Covert <>, Dan Klein 
<>, Dave McKenna <>, Deborah 
Dawson <>, Glenn Morey <>, 
"" <>, Jason Molino 
<>, Leslyn Mc Bean-Clairborne <>, 
Martha Robertson <>, Mike Lane 
<>, Mike Sigler <>, Rich John 
Subject: Re:[sustainable_tompkins-l] VOTE will take place tonight on several 
important environmental resolutions at the county legislature meeting

Hi All,

As a quick followup.  The resolution in opposition to the incinerator proposal 
passed unanimously and the resolution rejecting the incorporation of trucked 
LNG and CNG to any proposal in response to NYSEG's RFP for gas pipeline 
alternatives passed 12 to 1. The plastic bag resolution was sent back to 
committee to update and return after it is updated by the PDEQ committee that 
meets at 3pm March 26th in the legislative chambers.

Happy Wednesday,

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:29 PM, Anna Kelles 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

As some of you may know I have been appointed this year as the chair of the 
Planning Development and Environmental Quality (PDEQ) committee. Last Monday 
three resolutions were voted out of the PDEQ committee that will be discussed 
and in most cases voted on tonight by the full legislature at our bimonthly 
meeting from starting at 5:30pm (the meeting starts with privilege of the 
public to speak!) at 121 E. Court St. in the Legislative Chambers on the second 

The first is a resolution in opposition to the proposed large scale incinerator 
in Romulus, Seneca County that is just North of the town of Ulysses. I created 
an submitted this updated resolution from a template created by members of Gas 
Free Seneca. I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has but in a nutshell the 
garbage would be shipped by hundreds of trucks a day from downstate, burned 
creating significant air pollution very near an elementary school and two 
correctional facilities as well as nearby towns and wineries, created about 52 
truckloads of toxic ash daily that would need to be landfilled locally, and 
would withdraw 445,000 gallons daily from Seneca Lake.

A resolution urging the state to pass a plastic bag ban with an additional 5 
cent fee of paper bags passed. However, breaking news is that a few days before 
the committee vote a bill in the senate and an equivalent bill in the assembly 
were introduced that are more comprehensive than our resolution (here is a link 
to the senate bill: 
These bills, if approved, would ban both plastic and paper (paper bag 
production and transport have an equal to or even greater carbon footprint than 
plastic). As a result I will be sending our resolution back to committee 
tonight to align more closely with the proposed state bills. The next PDEQ 
meeting will be March 26th at 3pm in the legislative chambers.

Lastly, recently NYSEG put out an request for proposals (RFP) as a result of 
long talks local officials and experts have had with the state Public Service 
Commission, requesting proposals in a designated area in and around south 
Lansing (the Cornell business park area) for alternative energy development and 
upgrades. The intention of the RFP is to reduce demand on the existing natural 
gas infrastructure and to promote future development with minimal natural gas 
needs. However, the current RFP says that they will accept a proposal that can 
include the trucking in of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquified Natural 
Gas (LNG), if it is acceptable to the community. The resolution we will be 
voting on tonight states that the inclusion of trucked in CNG and LNG is not an 
acceptable solution to reduce our dependence on the piped natural gas 
infrastructure, which would in no way help us reach our our Tompkins County 
stated goal to decrease use of natural gas to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) 
emissions reduction.

Below is the official press release that followed the PDEQ meeting last week.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

In good health,

Committee Recommends Support of Statewide Plastic Bag Ban

The Legislature’s Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee, 
which back in 2013 considered a proposal from the Environmental Management 
Council (EMC)for a Local Law banning single-use plastic retail bags, today 
considered—and recommended to the Legislature—a new proposal on the issue from 
the EMC, one urging a statewide ban on such plastic retail bags.

Following the EMC’s recent adoption of a measure supporting such a statewide 
ban, the Planning committee, in a unanimous 5-0 vote, joined in recommending 
that the Legislature express its strong support of a plastic retail bag ban, 
which would also include a fee on recyclable paper bags, and urging the 
Governor to propose and the State Legislature to adopt such legislation as part 
of the State’s Fiscal 2019 budget.

At the time that a Local Law was extensively discussed five years ago, County 
Recycling and Materials Management Director Barbara Eckstrom had advised that 
the issue be pursued at the State level, instead of through a Local Law.

Speaking to the committee today, EMC Chair Brian Eden said that, just as when 
recycling was introduced years ago, achieving such a ban on the environmentally 
damaging plastic bags is “eminently do-able” and can be achieved, and accepted 
by the public, over time.  Committee Chair Anna Kelles reflected that it’s 
realistic to proactively reduce our reliance on plastic.

The Committee, with its unanimous support, also forwarded two other resolutions 
for consideration by the full Legislature, to take stands on two other 
environmental issues—one voicing formal opposition to the proposed garbage 
incinerator in the Seneca County Town of Romulus; the other opposing the use of 
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in response to the 
New York State Electric and Gas “non-pipe alternative” Request for Proposals to 
address natural gas demand in the Lansing area.  Commissioner of Planning and 
Sustainability Katie Borgella told the committee it is clear that NYSEG will be 
looking to the local community for its input on those elements, mentioned as 
potential options in the RFP, and that actions such as this would try to put 
some boundaries on what the community would support.

Contact:  Anna Kelles, Chair, Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality 
Committee, 342-2036

- END -

Anna Kelles
Vice Chair - Tompkins County Legislature
District 2<><>

Anna Kelles
Vice Chair - Tompkins County Legislature
District 2<><>

For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
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