Wednesday, December 20, 2000 |

Painkiller Posed Risk of Damage to Liver
  Drugmaker's lobbying won fine print instead of prominent warning.

By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer

     The FDA medical officers who reviewed a proposed painkiller 
called Duract saw the problem from the outset: Too many patients who 
took the pill in clinical trials suffered liver injury.
     "It seems imprudent to open the doors to extensive use when 
there have been early warning signs," an FDA medical officer, Dr. 
John E. Hyde, wrote on July 31, 1996. He said the specialists 
reviewing Duract "were concerned about the frequency and severity" of 
the injuries reflected in patients' blood tests.
     Hyde and a colleague, Dr. Rudolph M. Widmark, concluded in 
another report: "The [liver] toxicity is a significant concern with 
this drug."
     Believing that the risk increased the longer a patient remained 
on Duract, they sought to rid the label of any reference to long-term 
use. They also proposed a prominent black box warning regarding 
Duract's liver toxicity.
     This was not what the manufacturer, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, 
had in mind.
     "They were unhappy with my review," Widmark said in an interview.
     In a market already stocked with more than 20 prescription and 
over-the-counter painkillers, a black box warning could turn off 
doctors and cripple sales.
     Wyeth-Ayerst took its case to Widmark's superiors. Widmark 
responded, in a memo dated Nov. 14, 1996, to the FDA drug center's 
No. 2 administrator, Dr. Murray M. "Mac" Lumpkin:
     "The company would like a label that actually puts the onus on 
the prescribing physician because if severe and maybe fatal liver 
toxicity [occurs], the physician will be sued and will be found 
liable if he/she did not 'monitor' for liver damage. Wyeth-Ayerst 
will be in the clear, because 'it is in the label.' "
     Widmark added, "I hope that this short memo will help you to 
make the right decision in this dispute."
     When the company rolled out Duract following the FDA's approval 
on July 15, 1997, there was no black box on the label. Securities 
analysts predicted that in four years Duract could yield annual sales 
topping $500 million.
     Beginning on the 135th line, the label's fine print informed 
doctors that Duract was recommended for "generally less than 10 
days." The label also advised that, "if a physician chooses to 
administer Duract for a longer duration," patients' liver functions 
should be checked after a month.
     Seven months after Duract's market launch, the FDA and 
Wyeth-Ayerst responded to reports of severe liver damage: A black box 
was added.
     The revised labeling also flatly warned doctors for the first 
time "not" to prescribe the drug for longer than 10 days.
     "Patients using Duract for more than 10 days have developed 
jaundice, fulminant hepatitis and liver failure requiring 
transplants," the FDA said, announcing the label change.
     By the time Wyeth-Ayerst announced Duract's withdrawal on June 
22, 1998, the FDA had received 13 voluntarily filed reports of liver 
failure. The agency said that "almost all" of the cases occurred 
among patients who took the drug longer than 10 days.
     Widmark, an Austrian immigrant, said he believes that lives 
would have been saved if FDA administrators had stood behind his 
original recommendation for a black box warning.
     "I personally think yes," Widmark said. "They were more 
impressed with the company's consultants than they had confidence in 
their own reviewers. . . .
     "Something is wrong and something should be done to avoid this 
in the future."
     Now 75, Widmark retired in December 1997 after spending 11 years 
with the FDA. He still works as a consultant to the pharmaceutical 
     The spokesman for Wyeth-Ayerst, Petkus, said the company's 
consultants "made a case that there was no need for a black box," 
believing the recommendation to use Duract generally less than 10 
days was sufficient. The FDA's management, he said, agreed.
     In their May 1999 medical journal article, Woodcock and Lumpkin 
said the problems that emerged with Duract were "unexpected," adding: 
"Given the availability of other analgesics with a wider margin of 
safety than [Duract], the FDA believed that the risk from this 
product outweighed its benefits."
     In a written response to questions, Woodcock said, that if used 
short term, "it was felt that Duract would not cause liver damage 
more often than" certain other painkillers. She said the findings of 
potential danger, identified in advance by the agency's two medical 
officers, involved tests that "do not always signal clinically 
important [liver] toxicity."
     By late 1998, the FDA had received voluntary reports citing 
Duract as a suspect in 68 deaths, including 17 that involved liver 
failure. During its one year on the market, Duract generated sales 
totaling $89.7 million for Wyeth-Ayerst.

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