Wednesday, December 20, 2000

Official Asks If One Day Less of Flu Is Worth It
  Still on the market, the drug has been linked to 22 deaths so far.

By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer

     Glaxo executives were steaming in early 1999 over the work of 
biostatistician Michael Elsahoff and other FDA reviewers who had 
examined the company's new flu drug, Relenza.
     The reviewers found that Relenza was no more effective than a 
placebo in treating common flu symptoms among American patients. The 
drug showed better results in foreign studies. But the reviewers also 
found that Relenza, a powdery inhalant, was potentially unsafe for 
flu patients with asthma or other respiratory disease.
     Relenza is not a vaccine. It is designed to be taken within two 
days of the onset of flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore 
throat or headache. Relenza may reduce by about one day a patient's 
     The drug underwhelmed members of the FDA's Antiviral Drugs 
Advisory Committee. It voted, 13 to 4, on Feb. 24, 1999, to reject it.
     "There isn't sufficient efficacy to warrant me recommending this 
drug for my family or myself," said Dr. John D. Hamilton, a professor 
of medicine at Duke University. Said another committee member, Dr. 
Sharilyn Stanley of the Texas Health Department: "I have significant 
     Glaxo reacted quickly.
     Dr. James Palmer, the company's director of medical, regulatory 
and product strategy, told an FDA administrator in a March 2, 1999, 
letter that the staff's position on Relenza "is completely at odds 
with the will of Congress that drug development and approval proceed 
swiftly and surely." The letter was addressed to Dr. Heidi M. Jolson, 
director of the FDA's antiviral drugs division.
     The Glaxo executive accused the reviewers of "blindsiding" the 
company. He said one FDA medical officer "exerted considerable and, 
we believe, misguided and inappropriate influence on the review." He 
decried the "total silence" at the advisory meeting of another agency 
physician. He termed Elashoff's analysis "extreme." He said the 
"advisory process was distinctly biased against fair and open 
consideration of [Relenza]." A copy of the letter was obtained by The 
     Elashoff said his superiors told him he would no longer make 
presentations to the advisory committee. He said he was asked at 
least five times to delete the anti-Relenza recommendation from his 
review. He refused. The FDA declined to comment on these matters.
     The agency approved Relenza on July 26, 1999. In a memo dated 
that same day, Jolson provided a mixed assessment.
     Relenza, she said, had not been shown effective for patients 
over 65 or those "with a variety of respiratory, cardiovascular and 
other medical conditions." She said "special precautions are 
warranted" if Relenza is used by patients with respiratory disease. 
These groups would encompass patients most vulnerable to death from 
the flu. On the other hand, Jolson said, "the totality of the data" 
suggested that some Relenza patients could expect modest benefit and 
that their influenza A or B symptoms might improve an average of one 
day sooner by taking the drug.
     The FDA medical officer first assigned to review Relenza, Dr. 
Barbara Styrt, wrote that "a rationale can be constructed either for 
non-approval or for approval." She ultimately backed approval, saying 
that concerns could be addressed through "label language" and later 
studies. Analysts at Merrill Lynch & Co. predicted the drug would 
generate sales topping $400 million within four years.
     Glaxo, aiming for customers as widespread as the flu itself, 
last fall placed ads for Relenza on network television. The 
lighthearted spots featured an actor from the "Seinfeld" sitcom.
     Problems emerged quickly.
     Following the voluntarily reported deaths of seven Relenza 
patients, the FDA issued an unusual "public health advisory" to 
doctors on Jan. 12, 2000, warning of the limited role of Relenza and 
another recently approved flu-symptom drug. Two of the dead had 
bacterial infections and should have been treated with antibiotics.
     The agency said it had received "several reports of 
deterioration of respiratory function following inhalation of Relenza 
in patients with underlying asthma" or another breathing problem. 
Reports filed through June show that Relenza was cited as a suspect 
in 22 deaths.
     In July, Glaxo issued a warning letter to health professionals, 
noting "reports of serious respiratory adverse events when Relenza 
was used in patients with known airways disease." The letter also 
said that patients with no history of such disease had suffered 
"decline in respiratory function."
     The company added: "Some adverse events have required immediate 
treatment or hospitalization, and some patients . . . have had fatal 
outcomes." The Glaxo letter said it was "difficult to determine" 
whether Relenza caused the deaths.
     None of which has surprised Elashoff.
     "Even if you accept the company line, that it knocks a day off 
the flu, a day is not much when you compare it to your life," he 
said, adding that the approval "was certainly a top-down decision."
     Woodcock said the FDA's actions reflect a balancing of risks and 
benefits. She noted that "strengthened" warning language was added to 
the product label in April and that a newer study had shown the drug 
to be effective and safe for children age 7 and older.
     Glaxo spokeswoman Ramona DuBose said Relenza "is an important 
tool for physicians to have to reduce the risk of the disease."
     She said the drug can reduce symptoms from both A and B flu 
strains "by at least a day."
     The Glaxo executive wrote the letter in March 1999, DuBose said, 
to "vehemently protest" the FDA staff's performance at the advisory 
committee meeting. "We weren't given the opportunity to fully prepare 
our responses to the FDA's questions."
     DuBose said Glaxo would not comment on the volume of reported 
deaths, adding: "No causal relationship has ever been established 
between Relenza and any death, anywhere in the world."

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