I actually subscribe more to the theory that 4% of the population is  basically wolves in sheeps clothing and not as normal as they would have us believe. I also believe that given sufficient power (ie money) these people will foment as much suffering in the world as will possibly further their greed or whatever motivates them. If that means propagandizing and culturing public opinion to the point their outrageous aggression will be tolerated then they will most certainly do so. when the "enemy" suffers 90 casualties to 1 of the "victims" I think we need to examine who the victims really are.
Returning to the work of Lobaczewski, he next gives us the most important clues as to how and why a truly global conspiracy can and does exist on our planet though it certainly isn’t a conspiracy in the normally accepted sense of the word. You could even say that such conspiracies arise simply as a natural result of the un-bridgeable divide between normal people and deviants. In a certain sense, understanding the view the psychopath has of “normal people,” that they are “other” and even “foreign,” helps us to realize how such conspiracies can be so “secret” - though that is not the precise word we would like to use. Even if different ponerological groups are opposed to each other, they will still exclude "normal people" from their confidences. It is only the "normal" people who have been induced into their webs that provide the "leaks." Lobaczewski describes it in the following way:

    In any society in this world, psychopathic individuals and some of the other deviants create a ponerogenically active network of common collusions, partially estranged from the community of normal people. Some inspirational role of the essential psychopathy in this network also appears to be a common phenomenon.
    They are aware of being different as they obtain their life experience and become familiar with different ways of fighting for their goals. Their world is forever divided into “us and them” - their world with its own laws and customs and that other foreign world full of presumptuous ideas and customs in light of which they are condemned morally.
    Their “sense of honor” bids them cheat and revile that other human world and its values. In contradiction to the customs of normal people, they feel non-fulfillment of their promises or obligations is customary behavior.
    They also learn how their personalities can have traumatizing effects on the personalities of those normal people, and how to take advantage of this root of terror for purposes of reaching their goals.
    This dichotomy of worlds is permanent and does not disappear even if they succeed in realizing their dreams of gaining power over the society of normal people. This proves that the separation is biologically conditioned.
    In such people a dream emerges like some youthful Utopia of a “happy” world and a social system which would not reject them or force them to submit to laws and customs whose meaning is incomprehensible to them. They dream of a world in which their simple and radical way of experiencing and perceiving reality [i.e. lying, cheating, destroying, using others, etc] would dominate, where they would, of course, be assured safety and prosperity. Those “others” - different, but also more technically skillful - should be put to work to achieve this goal. “We,” after all, will create a new government, one of justice [for psychopaths]. They are prepared to fight and suffer for the sake of such a brave new world, and also of course, to inflict suffering upon others. Such a vision justifies killing people whose suffering does not move them to compassion because “they” are not quite conspecific.

And there it is. Lobaczewski has said outright that psychopaths - from a certain perspective - are a different type of human being, a type that is aware of its difference from childhood. Put this together with his statement that such individuals recognize their own kind, and consider normal people as completely “other,” and we can begin to understand why and how conspiracies can and do exist among such individuals. They collect together, with similar worldviews, like fat floating on a bowl of soup. When one of them begins to rant, others like them - or those with brain damage that makes them susceptible - “rally round the flag,” so to say. And what's more, they know this and know how it works.
Speaking of networks, we need to take a closer look at how psychopaths affect other human beings whom they use to create the basis for their rule in macro-social dynamics. This highlights the fact that the lack of psychological knowledge among the general public, not to mention the general neurosis of most people, make them vulnerable to such predators.

Lobaczewski: Subordinating a normal person to psychologically abnormal individuals has a deforming effect on his personality: it engenders trauma and neurosis. This is accomplished in a manner which generally evades sufficient conscious controls. [Wolves in Sheep's Clothing] Such a situation then deprives the person of his natural rights to practice his own mental hygiene, develop a sufficiently autonomous personality, and utilize his common sense. In the light of natural law, it thus constitutes a kind of illegality which can appear in any social scale although it is not mentioned in any code of law.

Psychologist George Simon, quoted above, discusses what he refers to as “Covert-aggressive personalities” which, upon reading his book, reveal themselves to be members of the psychopathy spectrum. He writes:
    Aggressive personalities don’t like anyone pushing them to do what they don’t want to do or stopping them from doing what they want to do. “No” is never an answer they accept.
    [In some cases], if they can see some benefit in self-restraint, they may internalize inhibitions [and become covertly aggressive].
    By refraining from any overt acts of hostility towards others, they manage to convince themselves and others they’re not the ruthless people they are. They may observe the letter of a law but violate its spirit with ease. They may exhibit behavioral constraint when it’s in their best interest, but they resist truly submitting themselves to any higher authority or set of principles. [They are] striving primarily to conceal their true intentions and aggressive agendas from others. They may behave with civility and propriety when they’re closely scrutinized or vulnerable. But when they believe they’re immune to detection, [they will do anything they want.]
    Dealing with covert-aggressive personalities is like getting whiplash. Often, you really don’t know what’s hit you until long after the damage is done. …
    Covert-aggressives are often so expert at exploiting the weaknesses and emotional insecurities of others that almost anyone can be duped…
    Covert-aggressives exploit situations in which they are well aware of the vulnerability of their prey. They are often very selective about the kinds of people with whom they will associate or work. They are particularly adept at finding and keeping others in a one-down position. They relish being in positions of power over others. It’s my experience that how a person uses power is the most reliable test of their character… [Simon, op. cit.]

Now, just imagine that the almost 1 in 25 people mentioned by Martha stout: “The Sociopath Next Door,” being the very ones who seek and achieve positions of power and authority in just about any field of endeavour where power can be had, and you begin to understand how truly damaging this can be to an entire society. Imagine school teachers with power over your children who are “covert-aggressives.” Imagine doctors, psychologists, “ministers of the faith” and politicians in such positions.
With this understanding, we begin to get an even better idea of how psychopaths can conspire and actually pull it off: in a society where evil is not studied or understood, they easily “rise to the top” and proceed to condition normal people to accept their dominance, to accept their lies without question. As noted at the beginning of this section, Lobaczewski noted:
    Long periods of preoccupation with the self and “accumulating benefits” for the self, diminish the ability to accurately read the environment and other people. […]It is this feature, this hystericization of society, that enables pathological plotters, snake charmers, and other primitive deviants to act as essential factors in the processes of the origination of evil on a macro-social scale.
We see exactly this pattern of social development in the United States over the past 50 to 60 years or even more. The fact is, many people who may have been born “normal” have become what might be termed “secondary psychopaths” or characteropaths due to the influence of psychopathy on American culture from many fields - including science, medicine, psychology, law, etc - where they are conscious of what they are doing to “normal” people!

Lobaczewski: We have already discussed the nature of some pathological personalities - characteropathies - that may be “created” by an individual’s exposure to a person with a severe character deformation. Essential psychopathy has exceptionally intense effects in this manner. Something mysterious gnaws into the personality of an individual at the mercy of the psychopath, and it is fought like a demon. His emotions become chilled, his sense of psychological reality is stifled. This leads to decriterialization of thought and a feeling of helplessness culminating in depressive reactions which can be so severe that psychiatrists sometimes misdiagnose them as a manic-depressive psychosis. Many people evidently also rebel much earlier and start searching for some way to liberate themselves from such an influence.
    A social structure dominated by normal people and their conceptual world easily appears to the psychopath as a “system of force and oppression. If it happens that true injustice does, in fact, exist in that given society, pathological feelings of unfairness and suggestive statements can resonate among those who have truly been treated unfairly. Revolutionary doctrines may then find approval among both groups although their motivations will actually be quite different.
    The presence of pathogenic bacteria in our environment is a common phenomenon; however, it is not the single decisive factor as regards whether an individual or a society becomes ill. Similarly, psychopathological factors alone do not decide about the spread of evil. […]34
Other Psychopathies
    We can also include within psychopathic categories a somewhat indeterminate number of anomalies with a hereditary substratum…
    We also meet difficult individuals with a tendency to behave in a manner hurtful to other people, for whom tests do not indicate existing damage to brain tissue and there is no indication of abnormal child-rearing background. The fact that such cases are repeated within families would suggest a hereditary substratum.[…]
    Such people also attempt to mask their different world of experience and play a role of normal people to varying degrees… These people participate in the genesis of evil in very different ways, whether taking part openly or, to a lesser extent, when they have managed to adapt to proper ways of living. These psychopathies and related phenomena may, quantitatively speaking, be summarily estimated at two or three times the number of cases of essential psychopathy, i.e. at less than two per cent of the population.

Here I want to comment that, if we speculate the actual number of psychopaths to be around 6 percent - or even just 4 percent as Stout claims - then these other "people" Lobaczewski is talking about could be as frequent as 12 to 18 percent of the population. That would mean that the total number of psychopaths plus "almost psychopaths" would be 16 to 24 percent of the total population. However, it is obvious that the statistical spread can be different in different countries at different times. We will look at that issue further on.

    Lobaczewski: This type of person finds it easier to adjust to social life. The lesser cases in particular adapt to the demands of the society of normal people, taking advantage of its understanding for the arts and other areas with similar traditions. Their literary creativity is often disturbing if conceived in ideational categories alone; they insinuate to their readers that their world of concepts and experiences is self-evident, also it actually contains characteristic deformities.
    The most frequently indicated and known type is the asthenic psychopath which appears in every conceivable intensity, from barely perceptible to an obvious pathologic deficiency. These people, asthenic and hypersensitive, do not indicate the same glaring deficit in moral feeling and ability to sense a psychological situation as it appears in essential psychopathy. They are somewhat idealistic and tend to have superficial pangs of conscience as a result of their faulty behavior. On the average, they are also less intelligent than normal people, and their mind avoids consistency and accuracy in reasoning. Their psychological worldview is clearly falsified, so their options about people can never be trusted. A kind of mask cloaks the world of their personal aspirations which is at variance with the official ones demanded by a situation. Their behavior towards people who do not notice their faults is urbane, even friendly. However, the same people manifest a pre-emptive hostility and aggression against persons with a talent for psychology or proper knowledge in this area.
    They are relatively less vital sexually and therefore amenable to accept celibacy; that is why some Catholic monks and priests often represent lesser or minor cases of this anomaly. They are the chief factor which inspired the anti-psychological attitude traditional in Church thinking.
    The more severe cases are more brutally anti-psychological and contemptuous of normal people; they tend to be active in the processes of the genesis of evil on a larger scale. Their dreams do not lack a certain idealism similar to the ideas of normal people. They would like to reform the world to their liking but are unable to foresee more far-reaching implications and results. Spiced by deviance, their visions may influence naïve rebels of people who have in fact suffered injustice. Existing social injustice may look like a justification for a radicalized world-view and the assimilation of such visions.

    The following is an example, given by Lobaczewski, of the thought-pattern of a person who seems a typical and severe case of asthenic psychopathy:
    “If I had to start life all over again, I’d do exactly the same: it’s organic necessity, nor the dictates of duty. I have one thing which keeps me going and bids me be serene even when things are so very sad. That is an unshakable faith in people. Conditions will change and evil will cease to reign, and man will be a brother to man, not a wolf as is the case today. My forbearance derives not from my fancy, but rather from my clear vision of the cause which give rise to evil.”
    Those words were written in prison on December 15, 1913 by Felix Dzierzhynski, (1877-1926), who is best known as the first head of the Soviet "Cheka," or Soviet security police, the forerunner of the KGB. Spreading fear in a time of chaos, the Cheka was the perfect instrument for Stalin's ruthless consolidation of power and extermination of opposition. Dzierzhynski made Robespierre look like a pansy, being responsible for the murder of literally millions of people.

Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yup, just gotta love those Iranians! The way they treat the Ba'hais is
model for how to respect other's beliefs and rights. What's a little
murder, torture and


And let's not even talk about Iranian Jews...


Kirk McLoren wrote:

> War is the plan - an election is coming up.
> Manipulation of the news in the US is the norm not the exception.
> The frightening part is how most Americans are not incensed by the
> manipulation.
> Kirk
> From: Fatemeh Keshavarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Aug 2, 2006 6:42 PM
> Subject: Window on Iran
> Dear Friends,
> In the past few months, the U.S. media coverage of Iran has gone from
> bad to unbelievable. It used to emphasize the negative and leave
> out the
> positive. It now appears to be inventing information that those of
> us in
> close contact with Iran are unable to trace. For example, in May 2006
> there was a report in the papers here that the Iranian Jews will be
> forced to wear a uniform. Last weekend, another breaking news was:
> Ahmadinejad is imposing a ban on the use of foreign words. There
> is no
> truth to either of these (I won't list more).
> Some of us in the Iranian American community feel that, due to the
> explosive conditions in the Middle East, we must provide our American
> friends and family members with possibility of access to reliable
> inform! ation, small as its impact might be. This is why I have
> put this
> e-mail update together to keep you informed of events in contemporary
> Iran. Its frequency would be once a week -- unless there is
> significant
> breaking news. I have made contact with friends who will monitor the
> news in Iran, and I will try to follow reliable publications here.
> Needless to say, I will not be able to be comprehensive.
> If you feel you don't need these updates, please let me know to
> take you
> off the list. If you wish to check how informed you might be about
> Iran,
> take a look at the following questions:
> On the issue of the Iranian nuclear program, did you know that:
> * The Iranian supreme religious leader issued a legal decree
> (fatwa)
> on November 6, 2004 in which all development, production,
> and use
> of nuclear weapons is considered against the Islamic pr!
> inciples
> and should not be undertake n under any circumstances.
> * Iranian nuclear facilities have been inspected over 2000 time
> during the past three years (some surprise inspections) by the
> IAEA and nothing illegal has been found. The IAEA's report has
> specified "to date, there is no evidence that undeclared
> material
> are related to any weapon's programs."
> * Iran is home to tens of thousands of people affected by Saddam
> Husain's chemical weapons, and people have a strong feeling
> against the use of such weapons (I know some of these people
> personally).
> * Iran has described the package of incentives from the west as
> potentially acceptable and announced a while ago that there will
> be an official and detailed reply by August 22nd, 2006.
> On the issues related to the local politics, did you know that:
> * the Taliban are an enemy of Iran and have engaged in regular
> assassinations of Iranian diplomats.
> * The Iranian regime considers al-Qa'ideh a terrorist
> organization.
> * Iranians held night long vigils to commemorate the victims
> of 9/11.
> * Iran does not support the Shiite extremist Moqtada al-Sadr, and
> prefers peace, stability, and democratic elections in Iraq
> because
> it does not wish its own Kurdish population to aspire to
> separatist ideas and because a democratic election in Iraq will
> give a prominent role to the Iraqi Shiites.
> * According to all major historians of the region, in
> reality, Iran
> exercises little influence on the Hezbollah.
> On the social and cultural front, did you know:
> * the latest best-selling titles in Iran are the DaVinci Code and
> Hillary Clinton's My life in (Persian translation)
> * according to the latest statistics, close to 70% of the Iranian
> university students are women
> * IVF, and gamete donation, as well as transsexual operations are
> legal in Iran.
> * Iranian cinema produces critically acclaimed films (often openly
> critical of the regime).
> * Iranian women golfers, race car drivers, and polo players
> compete
> internationally.
> I hope my next messages will be much shorter. Please let me know
> if you
> wish your name to be ! taken off this list, or if you wish to add
> someone's name to it. I will send out my first update message soon.
> Best,
> Fatemeh Keshavarz
> ========================
> Fatemeh Keshavarz, Professor and Chair
> Dept. of Asian and Near Eastern Languages and Literatuares
> Washington University in St. Louis
> Tel: (314) 935-5156
> Fax: (314) 935-4399
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