'The World According to Monsanto'  
CONTACT: _The  Real News Network_ (http://www.therealnews.com/) 
Alain Latour,  416-916-5202
June 23  - Monsanto is a world leader in industrial agriculture, providing 
the  seeds for 90 percent of the world's genetically modified crops. In an  
interview with The Real News Network, filmmaker Marie-Monique discussed  her 
recent film 'The World According to Monsant'o in which she exposes  many of 
Monsanto's controversial practices, from concealing knowledge of  toxicity of 
PCBs to 
producing genetically modified seeds and related  herbicides. 
Monsanto has long history of manufacturing dangerous  products. In 1949, an 
explosion in Nitro, a Monsanto factory in the US,  caused 228 workers to 
develop an extremely disfiguring illness caused by  dioxin, a highly toxic 
by-product of 2,4,5-T, a powerful herbicide  manufactured in the factory.  
Monsanto product Roundup, an herbicide which Monsanto  advertised as 
biodegradable, is still sprayed on crops by unprotected  farmers in Paraguay 
though Monsanto has already been convicted twice  of false advertising for the 
Robin also denounces Monsanto for not only denying  that it ever heard of 
Agent Orange, a herbicide sprayed by the US Army on  crops during the Vietnam 
and which Monsanto had in fact manufactured,  but also for manipulating 
scientific studies to hide links between Agent  Orange and cancer.  
According to Robin, Monsanto has bought fifty seed  companies in the last 
year ten years. In a clip from Robin's film,  physicist and ecologist Dr. 
warns: "Once [Monsanto has]  established the norm that seed can be owned as 
their property (…) we will  depend on them. If they control seed they control 
food (…). It's more  powerful than bombs. This is the best way to control the 
populations of  the world."  
In a Monsanto declassified file "we can't afford to  lose one dollar" even as 
toxicity of PCBs was discussed. This, Robin says,  sums Monsanto's philosophy 
rather well.  
Watch the full interview here: _"The World According to Monsanto"_ 
 (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Monsanto is a world leader in industrial agriculture, providing  the seeds 
for 90 percent of the world's genetically modified crops. Once a  chemical 
company based in the US, Monsanto has transformed into an international  life 
sciences company, aiming to solve world hunger and protect the environment.  
Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin, however, exposes the company's troubling past, 
her recent film, The World According to Monsanto. In an interview with  The 
News Network, she discusses Monsanto's controversial practices from a  
producer of PCBs and Agent Orange to genetically modified seeds and related  
Marie-Monique Robin is an award winning French  journalist and filmmaker who 
specializes in social and political issues. She is  also the author of several 
books including Le monde selon Monsanto, De la  dioxine aux OGM ,which 
coincides with the launch of her documentary by the  same name.

ZAA NKWETA (VOICEOVER): Providing the seeds for  90 percent of the world's 
genetically modified crops, Monsanto is a world leader  in industrial 
agriculture. Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin exposes the company's  troubling 
past in her 
recent film, The World According to  Monsanto.

MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN, FILMMAKER: I've been  working as a journalist for 25 
years, and I have a lot of pharmacy friends. I  mean, I have a big interest for 
agriculture. I made a lot of documentaries all  over the world about this issue 
and about human rights. I mean, Monsanto is a  question of agriculture right 
now and human rights. 

DR. VANDANA  SHIVA, PHYSICIST AND ECOLOGIST: There's nothing they're leaving  
untouched—the mustard, the okra, the brinjal, the rice. Once they have  
established the norm that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be 
collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. 
If they control seed, they control food. They know it. That's more powerful 
than  bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the  
populations of the world.

ROBIN: Monsanto is now the  big—it's the first seed company in the world. 
They bought up, in the last ten  years, about 50 seed companies, and they are 
first leader in GMOs. I decided  to make this documentary because, you know, 
Monsanto is saying that GMOs are  safe for consumers, safe for the 
environment. And I thought, my God, can we  trust a company when it is saying 
that? And I 
proposed to Arte, which is a  Franco-German channel, a very good one, a 
public one, I said, "I would like to  make a documentary about this company. 
Who is 
this company?" I began with the  beginning, because Monsanto has been 
created, you know, at the beginning of the  20th century exactly, in 1901, in 
Missouri, in St. Louis. It used to be a very  big chemical company, and they 
very nice products like PCBs, for instance.  They could reveal that Monsanto 
from the very beginning that these PCBs  were very toxic, and they're so 
toxic that they're forbidden, you know? But  Monsanto concealed the data. There 
was a very interesting internal file, which  is declassified now, which says, 
"We can't afford to lose one dollar of  business." I think this sentence is a 
very good summary, you know, of their  practices.

brother. He died in 1971 from a cancer  of the brains, a tumor of the brains, 
cancer of the lungs, [inaudible] of the  heart. He was 16. In the last three 
years, I have lost more friends, and they  died from illnesses—cancer, 
[inaudible] diabetes, hepatitis, all these different  illness that comes with 
PCBs and 
that have been related to  PCB.

ROBIN: They did the same with Agent Orange. Ancient  Orange is a defoliant, 
an herbicide used by the US Army during the Vietnam War.  They used to spray 
the herbicide, you know, in South Vietnam. Monsanto knew that  it was very 
dangerous, very toxic, because it contains dioxin. They not only  concealed the 
data they had about this product; they manipulated a scientific  study to hide, 
you know, the link between Agent Orange exposure and  cancer.

VOICEOVER: The story began in Nitro, in a  Monsanto factory that produced a 
powerful herbicide called 2,4,5-T. In 1949, an  explosion in the factory 
provoked unexpected side effects. Two hundred  twenty-eight workers developed 
extremely disfiguring illness caused by  dioxin, which is a highly toxic 
biproduct of  2,4,5-T.

ROBIN: And one example more, maybe, because  it's really the link between 
GMOs: Roundup. It's an herbicide sold everywhere in  the world. And Monsanto 
always said its biodegradable, it's good, good for  environment. One lie more. 
It's not true. 

VOICEOVER:  Today, Roundup is sprayed all over Paraguay by plane or 
mechanical spreaders  driven by unprotected farm workers.

biodiversity of the  countryside. It brings death, poverty, and illness, as 
well as 
destruction of  the natural resources that help us live.

ROBIN: The  company has been convicted, first in New York ten years ago and 
last year in  France, for false advertising. It's not biodegradable; it's not 
good for the  environment. And I have an interview of scientists in France, who 
made a study  which showed that Roundup leads to the first steps of cancer. 
It's important to  understand that, because 90 percent of GMOs grown in the 
fields belong to  Monsanto, and 70 percent of the GMOs grown in the world have 
been manipulated to  resist Roundup. The goal of my investigation is what is 
called principle of  substantial equivalence. What does it mean? It means it's 
principle that a GMO  is supposed to be similar to its conventional 
counterpart. This principle of  substantial equivalence was not based on any 
data. And the person who  tells it in front of my camera is not everyone; I 
mean, it's James Maryanskyi,  who used to be the chief of biotechnology in the 
FDA. And he recognized that  this principle wasn't based on any scientific 
data; it was based on a political  decision taken by the White House to push 
biotechnology in the  world.

MAN: And I would say, quite frankly, we have no  complaint about the way USDA 
is handling it. They're going through an orderly  process; they're making 
sure as they deal with these new things they do them  properly. And now, if 
waiting until September and we don't have our  authorization we may say 
something different.

GEORGE H. W. BUSH,  US PRESIDENT: Call me. We're in the de-reg business. 
Maybe we can  help.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Scenes from The World According to  Monsanto

Courtesy of:

ARTE France
National Film Board of  Canada
Image & Compagnie


Please note  that TRNN transcripts are typed from a recording of the program; 
The Real News  Network cannot guarantee their complete accuracy. 
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