* Andrey Chernov <a...@nagual.pp.ru> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 02:54:03PM +0100, Ed Schouten wrote:
> > So the screen isn't correctly blanked when switching modes? Messages
> > shouldn't overlap anymore, because we use the same terminal emulator to
> > print both user and kernel messages now.
> It seems that rc don't use NL with some output while kernel messages (from 
> USB) are delayed for some time. Here is example what is in dmesg and what 
> is actually on the screen:
> <snip>

This is not a bug, but a feature. It has always been like this...

 Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl>
 WWW: http://80386.nl/

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