Hi Robert,

* Robert Watson <rwat...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> The underlying change seems fine, especially in -CURRENT, but I'm
> confused by the paragraph here on alignment and safety.  What do you
> mean by safe, and does it matter?

With safe I mean that all useful members still begin at the same offset
within the structure. I'm not sure whether it matters at all, because I
can imagine d_devs could be moved around without having any effect, but
I'm not going to make any predictions on that.

> From a casual glance (perhaps mistaken), it looks like this changes
> the KBI, so all modules declaring struct cdevsw will need to be
> rebuilt.

It shouldn't, right?

-       uid_t                   d_uid;
-       gid_t                   d_gid;
-       mode_t                  d_mode;
-       const char              *d_kind;
+       int32_t                 d_spare0[3];
+       void                    *d_spare1[3];

        /* These fields should not be messed with by drivers */
-       LIST_ENTRY(cdevsw)      d_list;

d_uid, d_gid and d_mode is equal to:

        int32_t         d_uid;
        int32_t         d_gid;
        int16_t         d_mode;

Because d_kind is a pointer, there will be a hole in the structure of at
least 2 bytes (maybe even 6), which means we can safely extend d_mode to
32 bits as well. I could have decided to leave it at uint16_t, but that
would only obfuscate it even more when we would try to reclaim some
space there.

d_list is just two pointers, so I merged it with d_kind into an array of
three pointers.

 Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl>
 WWW: http://80386.nl/

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