* Kostik Belousov <kostik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems that description of majors/minors there is absolutely irrelevant
> to the freebsd device nodes. Devfs simply does not work this way anymore
> for long time.

Which is why I proposed changing these sentences to the past tense,

        The major device number is an integer number which tells the
        kernel which device driver entry point to use.

should become:

        The major device number is an integer number which used to tell
        the kernel which device driver entry point to use.


        The minor device number tells the kernel which subunit the node
        corresponds to on the device; for example,

should become:

        The minor device number used to tell the kernel which subunit
        the node corresponds to on the device; for example,

Because there are also various discrepancies between how FreeBSD and
not-FreeBSD divide dev_t's into major and minor numbers, I would almost
suggest merging mknod(8)'s major and minor argument into one, namely a
(hexa)decimal 32-bit value.

 Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl>
 WWW: http://80386.nl/

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